API Reference

class chemist.managers.Manager(model_klass, context)[source]
all(limit_by=None, offset_by=None, order_by=None)[source]

Returns all existing rows as Model


Creates a new model and saves it to MySQL


Find a list of models that could be found in the database and match all the given keyword-arguments


Find a single model that could be found in the database and match all the given keyword-arguments

from_result_proxy(proxy, result)[source]

Creates a new instance of the model given an instance of sqlalchemy.engine.ResultProxy

generate_query(order_by=None, limit_by=None, offset_by=None, **kw)[source]

Queries the table with the given keyword-args and optionally a single order_by field.


Tries to get a model from the database that would match the given keyword-args through Manager.find_one_by(). If not found, a new instance is created in the database through Manager.create()


This method is used internally and is not consistent with the other ORM methods by not returning a model instance.

total_rows(field_name=None, **where)[source]

Gets the total number of rows in the table

class chemist.orm.Context(default_uri=None)[source]

Context is a system component that keeps track of multiple engines, switch between them and manage their lifecycle.

It also provides a sqlalchemy.MetaData instance that is automatically bound to

Its purpose is to leverage quicky swapping the engine between “unit” tests.

class chemist.orm.Monetary[source]
class chemist.orm.ORM(name, bases, attrs)[source]

metaclass for chemist.models.Model

class chemist.models.Model(engine=None, **data)[source]

Super-class of active record models.


class BlogPost(Mode):
    table = db.Table(
        db.Column('id', db.Integer, primary_key=True),
        db.Column('title', db.Unicode(200), nullable=False),
        db.Column('slug', db.Unicode(200), nullable=False),
        db.Column('content', db.UnicodeText, nullable=False),

    def preprocess(self, data):
        # always derive slug from title
        data['slug'] = slugify(data['title'])
        return data

Deletes the current model from the database (removes a row that has the given model primary key)

get(name, fallback=None)[source]

Get a field value from the model


Dummy method to be optionally overwritten in the subclasses. Gets automatically called once a model instance is constructed.


boolean property that returns True if the primary key is set. This property does not perform I/O against the database


alias of chemist.managers.Manager


called right after executing a deletion. This method can be overwritten by subclasses in order to take any domain-related action


called right after executing a save. This method can be overwritten by subclasses in order to take any domain-related action


called right before executing a deletion. This method can be overwritten by subclasses in order to take any domain-related action


called right before executing a save. This method can be overwritten by subclasses in order to take any domain-related action


Placeholder for your own custom preprocess method, remember it must return a dictionary.

class BlogPost(Mode):
    table = db.Table(
        db.Column('id', db.Integer, primary_key=True),
        db.Column('title', db.Unicode(200), nullable=False),
        db.Column('slug', db.Unicode(200), nullable=False),
        db.Column('content', db.UnicodeText, nullable=False),

    def preprocess(self, data):
        # always derive slug from title
        data['slug'] = slugify(data['title'])
        return data

updates the current record with fresh values retrieved by find_one_by() and also returns a brand new instance.


any unsaved changes in the model will be lost upon calling this method.


Persists the model instance in the DB. It takes care of checking whether it already exists and should be just updated or if a new record should be created.


pre-serializes the model, returning a dictionary with key-values.

This method is use by the to_dict() and only exists as a separate method so that subclasses overwriting to_dict can call serialize() rather than super(SubclassName, self).to_dict()


Sets multiple fields, does not perform a save operation


pre-serializes the model, returning a dictionary with key-values.

This method can be overwritten by subclasses at will.


>>> post = BlogPost.create(title='Some Title', content='loren ipsum')
>>> post.to_dict()
  'id': 1,
  'title': 'Some Title',
  'slug': 'some-title',

utility method used internally to generate a dict with all the serialized values except primary keys.


>>> post = BlogPost.create(title='Some Title', content='loren ipsum')
>>> post.to_insert_params()
  'title': 'Some Title',
  'slug': 'some-title',
to_json(indent=None, sort_keys=True, **kw)[source]

Grabs the dictionary with the current model state returned by to_dict and serializes it to JSON


Sets multiple fields then saves them